El término BIOARTMI está compuesto por las palabras Biológico-Artificial-Mecánico-Inteligente, que hacen referencia a los estándares activos de la energía percibidos como parámetros evolutivos.

BIOARTMI tiene como misión el propiciar mejores condiciones de desarrollo a gran escala, por medio de investigaciones de orden mixto que propongan modelos aplicables al objeto de estudio.

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Philosophical Zero by Emmanuel Ciaro Index

 Introduction to the Human Integral Paradigm
Cosmological semantics
Human power perception
Reconfiguring the figure of power
The Game
An apparent behavior
Programming Human evolution
Advancing Human issues
What keep us human?
Philosophical Zero
What’s Macro-structural Reconfiguration
Transhumanism Visions

                Right at this work, economy is taken as a universal instrument to distribute all active resources in cosmos. As a human system, it works over an entanglement of complexities that allows to run basic needs –such as food, dressing, infrastructure, etcetera-; it grows an automatic dynamics to sustain our civilization. Technique is an intelligent aspect as well –in a sequential sense, not rational− that’s been growing altogether with our species and it doesn’t necessarily synchronize with our decisions. Production of life on specific conditions of planet Earth depends of this technical autonomy –sequential intelligence− and it wouldn’t need human intervention to emerge. On the line of this natural process an economical system runs from astronomical, to biological level up to achieve the commercial platform that we are experiencing now. Before getting deeper into the powerful range of interactions among systems, I’ll display the scenery of our human behavior up to now.
                Darwinism propose that only the strongest organisms to get adapted will survive to adversity, nevertheless, technical procedure of adaptability shows conditions that overwhelmed the constitution of these strongest organisms. Prehistoric species are datable examples to foreseen not the strongest ones will prevail over the lower scale resistance condition ones; it would even open the chance to smaller species and even to other phenomena such as adaptive involution or a noetologic condition –suspended evolution−. With humanity on the core of this analysis, a bio-economical perception will be developed.
                Let’s start with a small group of homo sapiens to compare gradually their world perceptive performance. The group would integrating one or more leaders, the organizing minority, and the followers, that could be equal in number or exceed the quantity of individuals. The followers put in practice the instruction from leaders and learn their experience. The most important issue is that economy becomes a social primitive instrument. Leaders has the privilege to select everything that is functional and comfortable for them, whether if they use advantage from the followers or to be served by them. Leader must be the example in command and show’s authority, the result is that followers learn to do and to obey. In nature this procedure operates as a logical transference of intelligent perception in order to get adapted to environment, but big changes provide different consequences. If eventually the leader is deceased, followers must reorganize group’s functions.
                It would seem normal that organizing parameters from nature −principally the economical ones that our species use to survive− continue to be the same since prehistory, so the leaders that exploit the work from their followers were the production benefit would be a natural constitutive for organisms surviving upon it’s intelligent gift; could seem convenient over a social system that has change not and is justified by nature itself, but our human condition has not congruency to this paradigm ever more.
                Native and modern cultures experiment the old saying “Man is a Wolf to man”, by Thomas Hobbes, in 16th century. To be man the entropy of himself goes to reach a possible evolutionary limit as a species; even if we perceive an ontological puberty in humanity our species finds unable to get off from a childish way of rationalism, most of all in the era of technological growing. So the best way to define the suspended structures, that may come from the very reason and consciousness, is power supported by an economical system that is a tool to define the value and priority of all resources.
                It would be easy to notice entropy as a manner of systematization and then how humanity would become a victim-like because of its configuration, but it only would be a victim if we took off the responsibility of its undeniable procedures. When power is a fact for bad consequences –principally for those harmed by it-, victim would be the whole humanity, only in the case that entropy was a determinist way in reason and this is an incorrect scenario for our reason that goes through a process of transformation centuries ago. The issue of the present work is to realize why this reasoning system should be shut down.
Human performance has been holding by a political-economical-social roof which is the perimeter to perceive reality; just as children, we pretend to give sense to a group of rational tendencies to gain primitive wishful stuff −in a physiological sense− that provides barely rigorous stimulations. To get an academic-professional-affective successful trajectory should be such as complex as the knowledge and the planet that hosts us, so we could really be proud to be an intelligent species. Humanity has the commitment to equalize with all systems and to improve its recognition of functional changes in reality, not to find immediate limitations from cultural customs. Technology could represent human nobility as a resulting process, but let’s step this issue in order to keep going our enhancement analyzing status.
Tecnique is an orbital implement for humanity –such as nature is so− and it has driven us almost rationally to discover its capacities to understand it, not to fear it. For many people it could be disappointing technology’s evolving applications to the ordinary world ‘cause it doesn’t fits with the imagery of fiction just yet and even though humanity tends to antropofizing one kind of artificial life, technology shows us is developing away from human manipulation, besides its programming needs and synthesized hardware. To avoid organic life dismissing, is necessary that factors interact among each other more rigorously so they could operate in conditions of harmony and chaos.
Human social functions has determine standards of surviving that depends on the best qualified power figure to manipulate the economic system conditions and to forced it to operate against humanity. This cannot be permissible any longer.
In a political sense, economy is the highest issue on civilization’s structures because resources on a territory provides autonomy, culture, technique and a particular systematization for all processes; the most important benefit is that it gives the chance to create alliances and to survive. Economy is a universal category which determines that what exists and that what starts some new process. Human power figure uses resources to generate the economic activity for its territory and with good resulting must have generate great development for most of its systems and structures, but the wrong use of it works against humanity’s surviving.
Later is going to be described the power figure as a real provider in case it could get to be reconfigured. Now the issue is to analyze the scenery where it performs.
Anyone fits with the thinking that verifiable knowledge of history allows to pick up better judges however this time I will taking a not unusual resource that corresponds to a consistent and dialectic transformation of the facts, that is: For an individual not to know it all is a real condition to perceive his action perimeter without get any affectations from the judge of others. Is convenient to be the most informed as possible about the things that are related with our interests, but variables are real too, so omissions of data on a speech could be authentic or intentional whether information manages is somehow insufficient. This is a constant manifestation because language behavior foreseen the possible lack of information. Even neurophysiological processes activate or not the synapsis required establishing the correct thinking flux.
This argument works to introduce one of the principles that serves into this theoretical project: The Imprecission Principle. Throughout history, human thinking pursues the ideal of perfection that any trajectory must achieve –both individual and cultural−; at the same time there’s always the rational justification “To err is human”. We use to turn to these strategies when expecting result fits not. If we transport this procedure to a productive chain enclose onto a congruent system where each production face has it’s particular economical method and the processes gets constantly reconfigured, failing to get the perfection needed spread a great deal of wasting, energy losses in different versions which particular pulse could be cut-off or generate random consequences. This is important for the Imprecision Principle: We perceive failure as if it were a universal law that breaks up before our very own eyes and we are unable to change it. If we input this onto a political, economical, social justice or scientific safetiness, resulting could be catastrophic, so what we should do is to improve our perceptive capabilities to get to a more satisfying performance.
The expectative trouble now is that a desirable turn out is often non-negotiable and this reproduce a restricted behavior, unable to appreciate the unlimited possibilities that could operate corresponding to human benefit and by consequence to the whole natural world. If imprecision level up to a principle status, humanity would be able to identify multiple variables in to a more straight scenery with our perception more attached to real facts and not to shallow expectations. The Imprecision Principle says: Every constitutive of reality is contingent and perfectible, to endure imprecision as a knowledge agent means approaching to perfection.  This means that certainty about imprecision reduces the odds to employ exceeding effort and power as a rational resource. Our species is about to go through a paradigm turning in which anomalous circumstances should be not perceived right as harmful and instead of should be re-configured, then nothing would be forced to fit over inappropriate structures.

Macro-structural Aknowledgment
Before I start with this theme, I insist there’s no intention to bring down the universal human structures, the minimum tendency to do it wouldn’t solidify our species. Education and family, for instance, are institutions to conform and stimulate our interpretation of the world, but ironically they’re the first ones to crumble at the perfection ideal. The follow analysis reveals the advantages by dynamize the most decisive processes.
Lets began by introducing three concepts that will be mentioned:
1.- Pre-structure: State before a process get start.
2.- Structure: State where a process have an initiate point of development.
                3.- Macro-structure: Is the magnitude measure to determinate the condition of a process, conformed by any power constitution.
                In a human context –though it works over universal, evolutionary or creation models−, a pre-structure is the space, the momentum and vital conditions before it’s configuration is already settled. Breeding, break points in life or corporative conflicts that end’s upon a war, all of these issues has an external precedent condition that is not related specifically to the process itself. When the process become independent from direct influences of other processes, it’s hosting field becomes it’s particular structure.
                               When this new process kick’s on influencing exterior conditions, its beating pulse starts an interaction with macro-structure and, depending on the consistency of the initial condition of the process, the beating gets feedback and will last a certain quantity of time.
                To take a sight of the multiple interactions there could be, I’ll describe another example: The sources displayed on nature are the pre-structures of a building that would be constructed. When the sources become the materials that will be used to the construction structures, systems began linking the building itself with a whole new universe of different functions. Human beings would be the users of the building that will be useful to the macro-structure as well; in case that circumstances would drive differently, building could be demolished –a decision that could have been taken at the very interior of the building. This is a whole particular process too, so, to have a recycling material planning means to know how avoid the wasting of those materials that once conformed a structure. As it got stated before, the particular pulse of a process has its own durability in coexistence with human activity.
                A human being starts its own pulse, with no tight structural condition and all senses attached to the environment. I will describe a successful human performing that makes him autosuficient and functional to the Macro-structure.
                So when our human character born, all senses are working correctly, familiar environment, though is not a privilege one, gets him set to be a capable individual very early to start his own independent experience. From now on is prepared to deal with his own qualities, emotions and feelings, so he could choose a style, the people who he will interact with, his interests, etcetera. His pulse remains active with challenges, stimulations and results. Macro-structure is fully interacting without any tricks because pre-structures makes functional this hypothetical model. No matter how he has reached his personal fulfilling, now he is successful and is capable to make serious decisions. Is not been easy, he’s just achieve what everyone has the chance to reach; now that he’s fully part of the macro-structure, people serves him as he has to do somehow with other people too. When he should die he would settled the good functioning of his efforts, he would leave inheritance, goods, some symbolical and material contributions to the world and his residual energy could conform another processes. About what has to do with him, this would be the end of his particular pulse, finished with success without any goals disturbing and leaving his print over the people who related with him. The end.
                ¿Is there any anomaly with this movie? Take in count the exclusion of the adjective wrong. Judgment in this scenario is functional, not moral, so this example works not to be convenient. For a better comprehension of the circumstances, the best is to start from a convergent point of view. Everyone, poor or rich, could think is the most desirable living experience, so everybody tries to reach it, but we know is not the only one. This character goes through all the conditions that we all experience somehow throughout our living time. This is ideal because this scenery contains most ambitions of the regular human individual, but it doesn’t describe the particular positive and negative experiences the character had and those of the people who interacted with him. Some could think this exercise shows that each of us choose their own living path, but it is really more complex than that.
                Macro-structure is a joint system that operates to satisfy its congruency pulse. Successful individuals generate a high or low influencing pulse that rises among those that does not satisfy the conditions of this systematization. That’s the reason why I’m positive there are anomalies in the movie. The hypothetic scenery of our character applies to rich or poor, ignorant or wise people and in multiple combinations. The anomaly is the actual configuration in macro-structure, because it veils the complex possibilities and keeps the activity over inert pulses that obstruct any systematical interaction. So, seemingly, successful people functioning at the actual configuration on macro-structure can live on luxury or poverty and in every sense everybody experience on the other’s skin thinking it is just unconceivable, but as they come from the same dysfunctional macro-structural configuration, every human being represents all humanity no difference.
                By understanding that a monetary status does not mean the main living goal, the human race would identify those aspects that should be reconfigured. Now, knowledge must be applied to enhance, not to corrupt, so macro-structure could be magnified. It is true that as individuals we are not equal, some live better with less, other with more. ¿What’s more? ¿Comfort/Knowledge? ¿What’s less? ¿Food/Culture?
                Lets condiment it with conflict. Up to now, everything can seems logical, reasonable “the ideal” to be approaching to a solution, but the money concept breaks up our expectations. Just about the last questions, if the reader has experience some status of comfort, knowledge, food and culture, you might thought that either of those needs was more than the others, possibly you would organize them depending on your priorities, but not to underestimated them. When this factors are introduced as commercial transactions, with the exception that they would support the abstract economical order, that could appreciate the magnificence and complexity of life, it applies excessive power on activities that doesn’t require it or that most of the times produce harming repercussions.
                To generate a discussion over money using is not the porpoise of the present work, but to switch to a new paradigm of human structures applying knowledge with superior goals, more productive and useful than those that restrict systems as economy, by misunderstanding consequences.

                Cosmological semantics
                The most intriguing condition upon reality is that universe exist, no matter if it is perceived by any intelligent entity or by anyone at all; so if the unique species that we could be sure that perceives it –is not necessary to start any discussion about alien life− fails at experience it, this really would be an enormous loss. It could be thought that we’re ain’t the only life proceeding in cosmos, but we are now in it and the possibility that perception, conscience and reason wouldn’t be able to avoid a potential piece of cake, that would be a waste of time that could had been used to keep up into the Universal Olimpic Games that don’t belong to the winner’s code but to the capability paradigm where humanity would represents knowledge itself.
                Economy is a cosmologic quality, not a reason-made one, so macro-structure’s economy as a system is not exclusively for human civilization, its functions are for a superior structuration magnitude, so humanity must be capable to manage it. If somebody shrinks their shoulders at a reasoning like this, then it would be proving our systems must be reconfigured.
                I decide to introduce this section about the universe’s semantics to contextualize the issues that our perceptive procedures can’t reach. There is a theoretical model that explains the cosmos consistency, a bit parallel to most rigorous fields like Relativity theory and Quantum mechanics that propose something different. Without getting deeper on these, the Morphic Fields theory from Dr. Rupert Sheldrake could be relevant to the possibility that energy operates as information packages to distribute different kinds of proportions. This source is just to understand cosmos as a system cluster where energy becomes entropy, determinism or pre-structured still systems by the uncertainty principle where energy shows morphogentic  field qualities for the multiple cosmological configurations. Far from trying to sustain Dr. Sheldrake’s theory, I would point that macro-structural processes compose a non-verbal language to configure from a cosmological, quantic to organic events and phenomena that are consistent and would keep distance, proportion and power magnitudes, which means that it has its own organization semantics.
                Including a cosmological semantics and putting it into a rigorous observation procedure, would allow that our nature comprehension strategies could pump up our social communication an exploring channels. On genetics, four molecule identification opened wide the odds to understand how one species become different from another.
                To input a macro-structural reconfiguration has the porpoise of increase our perceptive potential, not to trigger dysfunctional procedures with random consequences. An example of anomalous configuration on macro-structure is economy.

                Human power perception
                The follow description of power is about the undeniable inherence it has on our civilization and its permanence. If the main goal was to give an opinion of its functions, the what  and how, the answer would be a  long manuscript about how to deal with an irrational quality that would diminish the individual time of the one who would try to understand it. Irrational because the very motivation of power, though it comes from the human, does not corresponds to an evil nature; power is not a moral issue, it simply uses the sources and if the sources are not there, it produces them: that’s power. One of its assets is to use effective stratagems (willingly euphemistic of course) to get those sources, like crime, corruption, manipulation and many others that any person can mention, but its nature cannot been judge by moral parameters; this is an issue that those who practice it and the ones who deals with its abuse must understand to decrease its interpretative dispersion and to be able to focus on its nature. On critic circumstances it can seem out of proportion and because of this, power is apparently such a despicable force that must be diminished at minimum or disappeared for good, but its substance is not totally rational, for instance: if some public server who cause social damage is dismissed then we will be able to prove that power remains on structures, not on people. To understand this we should think about those times that we’ve pushed conditions to our favor. The most minimum power showing, though it would benefit some third person, gives us a clue about the nature of this energy application. When we hear about the “owners” or “the powerful people” we feel immediately some kind of rejection and if necessary, to fight against those to defense our ideals, so we often think “…if I could, I would”. If we could be with the owners, we would, so more precisely: “When I shall, I will”.   
                I don’t mean to justify any anomalous circumstances. The problem is that the code of certain phenomena wouldn’t get its most complex relevancy; not even the most powerful people perceive the widest magnitudes they’re handling with. The one who abuse takes a moral attribute about it, but it ain’t moral at all. Power is one universal manifestation with a prominent effect on the human brain’s interpretative activity and over the whole nature as well, including immeasurable cases which proportions qualified for metaphysics or extra sensorial powers.  
                Power’s nature is not a scientific matter in a formal sense. It gives information that science is capable to proof, but is not a scientific object. The closest representation of power as corporeity is concentration of energy on a battery, a power facility, a solar cell or even a bomb, but once again it is a transitory condition. If somebody would assure that conscience is capable to do anything or that the power is out in our minds, without mean it, what is saying is that everything can be configured to obtain a foreseen resulting. Flying power –without any vehicle−, walk through walls, super intelligence, etcetera, takes us to the possibility that knowledge achieve the conditions to do it, not the condition itself. If someone flies over the sky without any procedure, it would indicate that some changes are happening and can be reproduced; again: knowledge is the provider.
                Power is the capacity to use information, concentrate and project energy, employ intelligent strategies and to focus the porpoise to use it. The power science doesn’t exist by itself; its substance is intangible in a sense, parameters to measure it are subjective, nevertheless its consequences could be devastating. Speaking of a bomb’s power, is not about the power deploy solely, is about the equivalency among different magnitudes like the base active composing, quantity, damage and destruction that it’ll cause, but none of this factors are the power itself, but the conjunction of it all. If we add the person who takes the decision to use it, we could think the power is on that person or might be the one who construct it or finance it, but none of these are the ones who have it and if we analyze the motivations to create and activate it, then power matters turns diffuse and we would have to return searching for its face, but it hasn’t any.
                Richness is not power either, it can configure multiple scenarios to represent it and apply them effectively, even on misery, but this extremes are contingent and exchange equivalent power proportions.
                This exposition has the porpoise of communicate how power condition is perceived on this work. ¿What’s the power’s substance? The conjunction of every active factors attached to systems made on parts. ¿Can we reduce its influence on reality? No. Is not impossible, but if we would configure the conditions to neutralize it, everything would remain static.

                Reconfiguring the figure of power
                The power figure is one of the best identified ones because it takes us to an image. If we say battery, solar cell, chief or president we have a representation with a few variables. On its human function it’s about a goal that a high percentage of people have since their infancy to solidify qualities and particular characteristics for each person. On a social level this procedure is dysfunctional because it comes over with such a force that, if some are unable to apply it, would revert its effect to the person that couldn’t control it. It is apparently logical that everybody take charge on their own power figure, nevertheless there are other ways to relate with it.
                A person can assume how it is that his/her power would be projected; someone could make it very humbling, so might tend to abuse of others and that person`s trajectory would be tracked by that behavior possibly the whole lifetime. That candidate might have not the strength or the attitude to support this behavior and grow with frustration or even been determine to change to improve himself. This is one of multiple variations about learning power. When we relate with power figure, we start perceiving the one that comes from the outside to us. There are some ways to resigning from power mental domain, but to doing it is necessary to use the same power by personal sacrifice, a very powerful decision over certain circumstances. It is a paradox to live denying life, though it would have humanist motifs.
                The proposition here to relate and understand the power figure is to identify corresponding qualities from one power figure to another. This perspective transcends a justice ideal, cause “justice” is supported by technical-argumentative traps which not necessarily operates to satisfy power, but to a less transcendent nature. Over this matters it means that human power organize factorial tension to bring down the importance of certain circumstances and throw them to the hall of sterile information; justice’s functions shows an obtuse application of its meaning. To be someone “just” means to enclose our sense of appreciation from a wide drifting capacity. Correlation from one power magnitude to another is the most reliable advancing twist because is not restricted by any tricky arguments, instead is a corresponding procedure.
                Power abuse behavior somehow can be taken as natural. When somebody commit a crime, it is possible that the reason would mean some kind of necessity, but ii could be a cultural-neurological behavior too or an inductive action as well; power abuse is a pernicious and recurrent tendency. Legality instrumentation, in this case, works as a dialectic tool, not reliable because is able to misread the involved parts conditions as a systematic procedure; its reconfiguration would become consequently from apply it to the power figures over the institutions and the States of the world. A reconfigured juridical method is the most complex operation because is about calibrating regional behavior and customs from a interscalling prospective to a worldwide one. Actual legal systems allows that somebody would act against someone else without get any punishment and that someone goes to jail just to try to get a basic need; this is the kind of cases that could been reduce in magnitude.
                If the figure of power is reconfigured, multiple dysfunctional aspects gets fixed almost simultaneously –inter-factorial procedure−, by development mechanisms –attached to de figure of power−; civilization would access to a less distorted political vision and with a healthier interpersonal and social interaction. Is not about searching of good and elimination of evil, that couldn’t be the porpoise of this procedure. Is very important to state that the complexity of systems include the human improvement, but aspire to good behavior would show a sterile perception of living life; it would be a regression to ancient restricting practices for immediate responses and manipulating results. Our particular world’s advancing vision must go from commercial limitations to an enhanced magnitude by the very inhabiting experience –as it will be explained later−.
                The world’s leaders –from little group ones, to governors and entrepreneurs− do experiment the fear of losing and then go excessively to the sense of winning. Over this dynamics sensibility turns insensible, it generates a kind of addiction, but as it is not particularly biochemical is defined as alienation because is directly related with behavior. On the other hand, peoples have a residual idea of power, because if they count with autonomy and determination, the chosen procedure to put on practice their rights are emergent-like strategies, limited and desperate in many cases. It could be thought that there is a “burocracy” among govern and people but is better understood as an obstruction will. The instruments to structure these relations haven’t led to actualize the concepts and procedures; words like “democracy”, “liberty”, “truth”, “benefit” are totally decontextualized, most of all “democracy” is completely anachronic. Perception of reality is discordant with the actual power magnitudes. Cutting off individual liberty by legal technicality or protesting to reclaim human rights are examples of dysfunctional behavioral tendencies and the reason why human procedures don’t progress –Environmental attention initiatives seems to be totally out of any sense. Is absurd that justice operations instead of developing solid measures, on the contrary, feeds public disorder and social distress; that’s a proof that dysfunctionality prevails−. There’s no doubt that humanity has evolved, but strictly speaking, is technique the one that is transforming, not human thinking. As it was mentioned before, technique has evolve in conjunction with the human species –probably with other species too− from its very origin and is been inducing us to develop it even more. This means that intrinsic activity among energy and cosmos is what, no matter the anomalous processes –like human condition− and the entropic variations, it makes possible the emerging of new systems. To this question: “It is power the most important issue?”, the answer would be: Yes. Facoult, in his book Power and Subject, says: “…they seem to suspect the presence of some kind of fatalism, but, wouldn’t they’re own distrustfulness be indicative that power has three different qualities: Its origin, its basic nature and its manifestations?”  Power, but most of all, the figure of power is the first structure that must go through reconfiguration.

                The game
                To transcend the anomalous character of our species, means to increase the odds for humanity to endure by own will and resources, instead of been just a transitory event in universe. Having perception capability, with a high level of consciousness and balanced reason, we are privilege to prevail as a solar system living form; the transcendent situation here is the commitment that we acquire by just being. Thinking depends on its biologic experience to gain terrain over its reason-conscious structural containing, so its function would be to articulate stimulations from the environment and thought reflexing reverted to exterior as well. This is exactly the mechanism that compromises us to generate the transformation procedures and led higher our capacities performance. Technique may or not getting automatized, space exploring can happen or not, the critic point here is to identify our anomalies and get them reconfigured to flow in conjunction with other singularities.
                So, what’s required to reconfigure the figure of power? Up to now, the general economical ambition is to ascend the scale to macrostructure and it means: To have money –much−, not to reach low levels and at certain comfort point, to avoid disturbing of happiness by the real world. Making the figure of power useful since the most early condition –this means that human behavior and customs must sustain knowledge practice in every human institution− reduces energy leaks by having a more rigorous structure of our purposes as species –it would be this way cause human projection would be more solid, not as the progressive disorder it is now−. Our projection must magnify our existing qualities.
                  How would be to live when, instead of developing defense strategies, resources would concatenate different aspects simultaneously? The Macro-structural Reconfiguration has the premise to implement Interfactorial Response Strategies to stating the Integral Human Paradigm. For instance: At the porpoise of dissuading an enemy attack, the more aggressive armament gets developed than that of the opponent –that’s an anomalous strategy−, instead of previously preparing reconfigurations that take care of interfactorial conditions of the conflict –perceiving war as unnecessary; not simulating a commercial solution−, the implementation timing, flexible systemic articulation working and operative cost reduction balance by a non-speculative economy. It could be thought that it works this way, but obviously is not. The game systematization on human mind, up to now, impede that undeniably anomalous circumstances would be a priority to resemble as functional the environment; there are known regions where people need their environment to be readapted to them. Original communities need this adaptation, conserving civilization rhythm, but functional to them as well. Old people and disabled people need the macro-structure to be functional to them, giving adequate options to their vital condition and not to force them to an economical standard that they couldn’t afford. About language matters, technology would solve directly linguistic interaction instead of using “public policies” that promote floating morality leading to energy leaks on different modes. To do this, is necessary to visualize the business viabilities to prevent commercial abuse and, among other things, make people functional if they want to keep productive as a social individual. These are examples to expose low intensity advancement that haven’t been implemented yet.
                Paradoxically, is well known that what haven’t been done by taking it as non-viable issue; that’s how the solving omission becomes justified. Arguments says is an irresoluble “particular interest conflict”, but is not about the interest itself, is the market system that maintain ancient conflicts on activity to keep up with financial abuse; that’s how alienating power is constituted into the anomalous tradition of the game. In that sense, political-business-social changes wouldn’t be perceived on revolutions that come from a democratic ideal because it keeps the same format that they’re trying to disarticulate. A human revolution would always be redundant for its long known precedents of inconformity and unsatisfied needs by belonging to these dysfunctional conditions. Discomfort people demands that their wishes could be reflected on possessions and with powerful people getting punished for the massive suffering they’re creating in the world –that’s how they conceive justice and happiness, but is not like that−. Somehow this aspiration denigrates initiatives of the people that is searching for a world changing, cause the figures of power use emotional levels that plays in order to make them lose; this is a vicious circle that is been working for centuries as an obstacle for human integral growing. Is necessary to implement a justice method which equivalency wouldn’t work a corresponding formulation of good=good but the correction of good, where what is just would not restring the mind possibilities of those who work out any transformation process –any protesting group of people, any judge, a politician or a science man, etcetera− to the useless intention of neutralizing “evil”. Any person who visualize the need of a new human paradigm won’t pursuit the chance to play the game, nor to collapsing it either but to join all its functions to a more congruent state with the structures that had hosted it indolently for the very game is a shallow projection of energy based on human initiative. Over a hypothetic human magnifying context, concepts like goodness, liberty, love, union, happiness, etcetera, wouldn’t be aspirational values for perfection, instead, they would prevail as inherent conditions to go forth to a high complexity understanding level. The conceptualization of good and evil –among other psychological interpretations− would be certainly the recognition of a radical extremes condition –which misreading has led to a global destabilization− so that’s how we would be able to explore a major range of possibilities to take less precipitated and wrong decisions that has feed an insatiable ambition. The game will be played as long as that’s our species behavior, but  the influence other factors has all over us will awake another magnitude notions in which the game would ceased to give sense to our presence. Climatic conditions, technology, new evolving interactions or inevitable using of other energetic systems, will arrive into civilization and, although it wouldn’t be a warranty that all these new processes to be used in a better way, we should take account that humanity is been wrong for a long time, so this must stop. Is not about to dismiss history and knowledge worked out up to now, nor the importance of the people that has developed it, but now is time to recognize and change the absurd perpetuation of that childish behavior where power and war represents “the game” and entertaining is the strategy to maintain all human strata attached to the tension of its processes. Is totally undeniable how dysfunctional the figure of power becomes by elaborate a belligerent apparatus to preserve a human modality where objects gives objectivity to a bumbling knowledge.
Interpreting a critic argumentation to consumism or an intention to reinsert the historic materialism over this work, would be an incomplete reading of the project, so I’ll push slightly to make it easier to understand. Production modes has shown a great versatility of options to satisfy our natural needs and to speed simultaneously and efficiently multiple processes, many of them has been contained on its functions to keep “the game” almost as an absolute; in this sense, historic materialism is not on discussion, is an structural certitude that won’t be questioned just as an argument exercise. It would be irresponsible to minimize or exclude the profound analysis work in which Marx defined how the industrial era would be thriven over civilization and the processes that had confront it throughout the 20th century. That’s why this is mentioned as such important thing, cause those processes has been effective, no matter if the power figures rest importance at historical thinking works like Marx’s just to impose a looping charade. There’s no intention to expose the ignorance of politicians and other gremials, but the sub estimating attitude for the economical and production procedures they have without any constructive goal. On the other hand, the great scale consumism vice shouldn’t be a worrying issue when all the production needs are perceived; we gain certitude that economical mechanisms can be efficient at working correctly with all market needs. Capitalism is simply a system that concentrates developing modes over fragmented gremials with internal dysfunctions, incapables to converge with consistent methods and interactions that disturb an effective sequence on processes. In strict sense, the States and corporations unable to purify the productive cycles of a nation and its commercial activity that becomes corrupt, implement wrong employment conditions, that won’t renovate their production modes, don’t regulate the mercantile conditions, that maintain unhealthy every developing chain, that use an apparent collective template where the willing attitude remains hinder, society is incapable to emerge from an old fashion alienating condition like this. The present –not the future− needs to come out to a temporal surface to rid off the waste of that human behavior. To remain all systems chained into an exclusive energetic source because of a commercial convenience to justify war activity and hegemonic procedures, shows the properties of the vicious circle in which we all perform that pitiful game. There are different methods to slowing down the human minds –such as cultural, ideological, productive, etcetera− that are constantly actualized to block out the great scale growing of our species. Giving to capitalism any transcendence as a system, would make of this work a constitutive of this obsolete procedure, that’s why capitalism and other issues are not judged here. Not to mention the historic sources, but using this chapter to expose its importance is not arrogance, instead, is avoiding precedent patterns to be recursively repeated and to structure a new knowledge paradigm using certitudes confirmed from the very history where such humanity has always intervene.

                An apparent behavior
                Today, application of power hasn’t essentially changed and has turn into an even more fantastic issue. From economy’s vision to the war as a game with multifaceted rules, porpoises and conflicts are childish games transferred to a financial mode of global interaction; sometimes family games-like, videogames or comics, where an ideal would be to develop artifices to make conflict experience more exciting. Values like glory, honor and competence spirit, transcends the possession of money, everyone conforming the set where reality parameters are barely perceived as segments that vanish off gradually to be concentrated on an altered imaginary builded scenario that moves over new challenges and levels where access depends on a more sophisticated personality or dispositive. None of these should be off-side but confronting notion and wish, reason and dreaming, conscience and possibility, complicate the conditions of a species that is proofing capacities and limitations delayed by procedures that not yet understand about going faster. A solution to go faster would be: To balance our own magnitude on body and mind related to the autonomous development of technique; that’s the only way to avoid that our presence would be reduced as a transition into the cosmic chaotic configuration and left it on an effective prison as sleeping consciousness over that intangible sea made of waving-particles.
                Human brain’s creativity has developed the cognitive strata from a stabilized reality among the natural overwhelming phenomena, our own perception and the interpretative mechanisms to using it. We‘ve been advancing into an environment that doesn’t ceased to reveal details on every scale and with a lot of complexity factors; self macro-structure readapt its functions and modify cycles as a dynamic response to processes; is like a tornado that produces a mechanic macro-micro order and vice versa to be transferred to the sequences that led to evolution phenomenon. Our species arose from this system and inhabit it with the capabilities to perceive and interpret it; we are privilege to appreciate our living experience. Throughout time our species has been consistent and, although some historic passages would have been extracted from a mad man’s imagination, the absurdist into absurd, is that humanity is not a demential entity, all the contrary it has shown an amazing versatility at remaining sane with the processes lived; although it doesn’t seems so, the complete composition is not ill minded. There’s a negative side that impedes us to see the magnificence that we all conforming, though: Our civilization gives up to put on practice the functions that concatenate systems among each other, throwing away the possibilities that proportionally increase that what constitutes the world. Our intelligence has been insufficient to preserve a harmonic coexisting mode until now. It seems that our temper’s instability is by choice, as a decision to impose the parameters of an entity that shows more perturbed features that those of insanity, perceived on the harvest of anomalous germinal projections. This procedure excludes the adaptive conditions of a vital task and so with the recognition that we are intruding as an aberrant entity into our planet. It would be irrelevant that another conscious species would confirmed this statement, humanity does and along centuries is something that wouldn’t recognize, something so simple. Since before the industrial era, when our behavior had not a global impact, this was a notable quality already; now that we are turning to our own habitat, is time to do what we’ve always been avoiding by negligence.
                Our brain has designed a recognizing field to extract and derange as a habitual procedure; so, from this picture, it can be solved by coordinating our perception and our designing rhythm to modify our pre-structures. Progressive advancing of a civilization that won’t restitute but only to consume resources is a development mode that requires new structural settings. Men has served civilization until now for been he’s creation, he’s platform and what certifies the existence of a thinking entity over this huge cosmos –without a high percentage of organic life constitution per planet and under a low profile of physical and organic regime conditions−. What I mean is, though diversity of life in our planet is a cosmos in itself, life evolution in the universe is not a constant phenomenon. Civilization as a system must serves us too and certainly does, but it doesn’t counts with a transference method to make the investments on it to recycling as functional of that what sustains it; waste is only part of what can be reincorporate to the productive circuit. Recycling policies and ambient interests are not authentic strategies for environmental resilience. Populations are unable to identify the annihilation magnitudes –though there are some kind of less polluting intentions− because they are totally integrated to the circumstances chaining on the platform where life performs; efforts to stop a gradual devouring by modus vivendi will keep unfruitful until the coordination among planning and human ambition becomes our modus operandi. Calibrating needs, growing and advancing populations  –problems are now very important statistics, although not a priority to the world interests of our present−, they’re reversible aspects no matter if some ecosystem disappears or a species gets extinct –something that on our hands should be avoided−, we shouldn’t be attached to a mercantile apparatus to magnify all troubles and apply an economical variation for a financial benefit. For instance: If the planet poles melts down, the tactic would be to modify designing and construction methods, cause migrations are a natural reaction, but until now, civilization does not follow this effect. To start with this, a new energy systematization should be implemented; a new international economy paradigm as well and to promote collective collaboration to preserve the functional structures. But the power figures reaction is panic, so devastation effects got intensified, conflicts got sophisticated and they blame up people for the world’s dysfunctions, with porpoises hidden on fake and low importance arguments –those are low profile cause it doesn’t represents any contribution to their obsolete defending pretensions−. To advance on the organizational status, would require identifying new systemic functions and correcting the actual disorders to preserve human species as a solid system for Evolving programming. Developing efforts shouldn’t design a belligerent scenario; mechanical imitation of the sea manthys shouldn’t be part of strategic military combat, for instance. A.I. anthropomorphizing, in one hand, implies to execute implanted values over its programming sentient pre-structures. In this sense security, liberty, truth, love and hate, etcetera, are values that would make functioning an entities psyche that would possibly develop its own perceptive mechanisms. If we could proof that our porpoise was to annihilate planet earth −meaning macro-structurally−, it doesn’t matter, nature will always have a superior magnitude than ours, and if we would dare to challenge its resistance, there’s a possibility for us to win, but surely would be from a synthetizing procedure –like the nano-technologic goo− that would disarticulate or consume complex systems infinitely more transcendent than our species would reach out on that supposition.
                Government’s vision of the world nowadays is comic’s-like esthetic books, where problems reach hallucinating proportions for the reinforced factors of that inert gamming that we are all playing. Problems is where our attention must be, ‘cause even the positive things are linked to an anomalous context. Of course we can be talking about balance, but what has to do with human reason, reaches beyond disorder. Our child inside is ahead from the metaphor and now the child is the parameter to the adult that rules the world to satisfy him. The international conflict nature has turned inadmissible: The struggle to preserve an insipid life status; that configures a fake scenario of good guys and bad guys, which hinder education and interfactorial development; who’s pretention is to preserve the governed figure; that manipulates, intervene and design rebellions; that simulates the recognition of those who make a wise and non-interested contribution to the world; that feeds values as honor, heroism, patriotism and other more to break, sacrifice and idolatrize  them –in any order− when the game apparently gets modified: It is always the same.
                In this times, fiction emerge to reality from people that used to be show makers, they extract their fictional arguments to turn them real. Everybody thinks is pretty exciting to be a fiction-like character, whether it represents good or evil; technology and economy is used to increase military combat aesthetics. Humanity is reproducing a fake parameter to bring out that imaginative mode, instead of integrate knowledge into a systematic reconfiguration of our nature. Obviously imagination is not the only factor to take part of this absurd topic, but ideal of power persist to sustain human coexistence on an apparently irresoluble conflict. We count with a wide notion of the anomalies and the political-economy-social symptoms are perfectly identifiable, but reason remains confused and fascinated with this. The weirdest of all is neither the thinkers, nor the scientist or the powerful people had been able to define a decisive turning or a pragmatic advance with the consistency found on the nature of the very human conflict. Up to now, every kind of development gives up to its particular derived dysfunction and synchronizes to an obtuse settled task. But yet, inside of this incomprehensive context, precisely this one, we can switch to a rational, emotive and cognitive procedure that magnifies the scale to reconfigure the human thinking and will. Is not about to reconstitute ideal of good, because preconception of evil belongs to the anomalous perception of that human harming behavior. The most abominable and painful crime is committed by an articulated justice residing on the human idealizing limbo. A revolution; stepping back to origins; nullifying certain production modes; the use of technology to increase productivity at lowest cost; and money’s transcendent economy, are the most constant archetypes that has been automatically synchronized to the same procedure. Thinking on some of these examples success as syntagmatic (a shiny day), the fact is that if there are no influence to transform its similar, it means that there are other factors their particular process wasn’t able to reorganize. Is not the multiple features of human nature what most to be corrected but its tasks over the structures to enhance its potential. Articulating congruently to those who would show power delirium on the new civilization would situate those persons over a low profile position.

Programming Human evolution
Let’s talk about vivid exploring, human kind is going through a multiple evolving condition where advanced cultures coexist with others that are underdeveloped. To understand which ones are advanced is the interesting issue of this exercise. Technology is an evident premise: those who apply more technology should be more advanced. With reference on mental rhythm –it means that thought comes to provide a less ambiguous perception of reality−,      our evolution should be a bit slower, cause senses and physiology experiments proportionally magnifying increments to make us think differently –harmonically−, but throughout eras, mechanical and intellectual technique have taken us to ascensions that led to abrupt adaptations, so our species haven’t consolidate as a system. Although the most critical history periods are near ages –medium age, renaissance, illustration, industrial age, technological age− and biologically it seems not to happen something relevant, technical and intellectual instrumentation from these periods made possible an accelerated rhythm, making more intense our distorted world conception; distorted by the questions that has been solved with manipulation as a dominant factor, with the porpoise to ensure power −mystique power principally−; it works as an essay for the upcoming times
Practically the prominent technologic advance is competing with nature and is about to take part on a process possibly more transcendent than that of the industrial age. Its evolution is happening in our hands and is very spectacular because it spreads on several versions. We have the systematic technology that we know well and simplify human life. This one comes directly from its recent prehistory, the industrial age from late 19th century. We know this technology pretty well and its characteristics can be resumed as follow:
1.       Evolving by a constitutive synthesizing methodology that becomes a planned time life for commercial issues.
2.       Domestic and industrial use to test specific production and consuming rhythm.
3.       Productions of every kind of transporting vehicles, introduced as the world’s most shared and appreciate cultural traditions.
4.       A very aggressive industrial level that has shown to be pretty efficient for exchange and distribution of every kind of merchandise around the world.
5.       A chance to use inventiveness on every humans needing’s.
6.       A huge amount of waste −some of it recyclable and some other that we don’t know yet how to reinsert it into production cycles.
7.       Is a constitutive to contemporary economical perception on every level.
8.       Affects all ecosystems, weather, and life all around the planet.
9.       It passes from make things easier to seduce and then persuade to consumption and now to control the way humans relates themselves.
10.    Has generated new possibilities that are the actual breakthrough where a planetarian age is one of those.
Surely there are some more, but to enumerate ten relevant characteristics should be enough. Before technology arise the way we know it now, on industrial era human expectative was pretty similar –in the sense possibilities on the last centuries was foreseen−; people was more customized, barely open to novelty, they were believers of their values, even though they wouldn’t respect them firmly. Only when man began to use airplanes, when photography and film cameras brought magic out to reality, human kind started to comprehend certain fantastic conditions that were finally available and with low interest about how what caught its attention did worked out; the magnified advancing age included our species abruptly. That turbulent development showed very quickly the kind of destructive power it was capable of and the new financial mechanisms, the new communication and linguistic strategies, opened the curtains of a terrifyingly enchanting world which flux haven’t stopped since then.
Actually, technology has going through industrial age, computational age, digital age, and from here has bifurcate into a several versions like virtuality, bioengineering, artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, geoengineering, bionic medicine, etcetera. All these applications have their particular complexity and can correlate among each other. Besides applied tech, there are the theoretical knowledge models like Relativism and Quantum Mechanics; which importance shows an intelligent reason that determines the human mind stability. Another recent theoretical mode is the Holographic Universe that comes from the strings and membrane theories but with more consistency and amazing conclusions yet. Understanding of these scientific models brings us the possibility of an intelligence without anthropocentric line ups –like the god concept would have, it means that it doesn’t needs the human existence to operate; knowledge becomes organized accordingly to the context; the use of nuclear energy, for instance, though it has exceeded the civilization’s infrastructures, is not a threat in itself and its critical disasters are measurable, therefore, it can be controlled. If we were close to a new genesis where quantum mechanics would achieve a disarticulation-resembling procedure to an organic level, it would coexist with robotics –we are not so far from teleportation; but actual technology is not ready yet−, we may be capable, but human perceptive spectrum seems not to be coherent enough at this advance. Teleportation, light magnitude acceleration and molecular physiologic adaptability require a very superior human performance than that what we are used right now.
 The worst consequence of this temper is that technology steps up from biologic life. What is incomprehensible is to reiterate a non-recommendable behavior by choice; it seems to be ignored that alliance with technology wouldn’t result in the case our participation would be unnecessary as our present format is showing. ¿Why should we assuming to be as despicable as if the entity that would rise from us could despise us? It seems much more coherent to me to reconfigure the systems that we had created and get synchronized to the rhythm of technology, but with knowledge print all over our physiology; our use of resources energy collection and systematization; on the correction of a dysfunctional economy apparatus that would allowed different vital modes, where evolution programming wouldn’t be restricted to auto-destruction –here “extinction” would be an incorrect word-.  
                The bet now is for nanotechnology to resemble physiological aspects of our body, from microrobots for destroying cellular anomalies and complete cellular and neural re-functioning proceedings, to molecular big format programming that modifies on real time the spaces style and, as it grows in advance, its dynamism could do anything –some even theorize about a kind of massive molecular de-interlacing provoked by nanobots that would be called Goo; this would be a phenomenon that could happen or not−.
                Besides all options that had been emerging for human subsistence, the more consistent one is biologic evolution which determines every organic faculties of any living form; cellular degradation, tissue consistency, neurologic functionality, environment adversity, all these are factors to determine the longevity of our species processes, because alternatives to avoid dying when physiology collapses –as it happens with all other living species− has not been developed yet. One of the less random proposals is genetic programming, with a great advancing to inhibit the aging process and cellular regeneration, organ replication and neurological reactivity. What’s interesting about it is that human constitution conserves integrity, but possibly incrementing evolving resistance without altering original body’s mechanisms so it wouldn’t eliminate its biologic functions.
                The desire to extend longevity by fear to death or curiosity about the future, is an intense trigger that shows up somehow at the individual mind, so there are some people who fantasy’s about never dying because life is so voluptuous that invites to eternity –of course in some circumstances people would think the contrary−; if we could go through those options, it would mean that humanity is close to achieve the evolving planed scenarios belonging to nature; it would show that we have already changed as to magnified our species too. In case that the techniques to extend longevity would be active over a political-economic-social restriction context, it would be an equivalent failure as if programming our own short time extinction, because it would implicate that any reconfiguration was ever implemented, so civilization systems should collapse.
                Advancing Human issues

                The intention of this work is to elaborate the theoretical aspects to reconfigure the civilization’s macro-structure from two principal premises:
1.       Individual change has a short pulse. It wouldn’t mean that is more or less effective, is about the level of influence to describe it the most congruently possible. A group of individuals that unite forces to produce some transformation mode won’t see it as fruitful until the people who would analyze their proposals would notice an identification level
2.       To recognize that the macro-structural entity –Govern, community, corporations, intellectuals, bankers, science men, group of individuals, professionals−, is, altogether, a constitutive of a necessary magnifying reconfiguration for our species.

There’s been instated on everybody the wrong idea that changing the mind of those in charge on society’s structural issues is impossible; so precisely, the Human challenge is to demonstrate our capability to get to a better condition right on our own qualities. As it was exposed on precedent chapters, there’s been growing a pretty singular manifestation which we will be soon coexisting with on near ages –talking about a “future” doesn’t have impact anymore−, but it ain’t assured that humanity would be part of that possible scenario. Those who say that macro-structure cannot be integrated to these changes could also say that humanity is here in the planet earth to stay. With these two asseverations, other scenarios can be composed, like: Even with great magnitude changes, humanity wouldn’t subsist. Or the one proposed here: Macro-structure integration on human proceeding transformation would enhance the self-faculties with a more precise comprehension of energy, values, institutions and porpoises on planet earth and the interior of the whole cosmos. To be part of a planned transformation process is a step that we should give; right now is too improbable social strata to converge, because we’ve been taught a consuming behavior to dismiss those who wouldn’t be attached that way without care the reasons why. These are two faces on the same coin, but they’re not related as extremes, there aren’t any functions on it. There are some effects that grow related to the economic scale; a way to explain it from richness would be: Somebody, with all resources around, with education and the world on disposition, could choose some of this choices –it means that the person could be a business man or woman, who practices ski, who travels around the world and likes cars and good wine; besides, having a good social life; could be just one of these options−, so the experience would impede to be interested about anything off from their modus vivendi. Over a poverty scenery would be explained like this: Those who haven’t any resources, without education and without any other chances of living, may think that with great amounts of money their life might be arranged; the network messages makes them wish to be the “boss” in some company without been certain about the real meaning of this. The structuring chain among this conditions have some variations where those who have money despise those who don’t and vice versa, but when both of them got together on a familiar context, they recognize similarities and ephemerally are able to untie the prefabricate obstructions to coexist. Ingenuity makes to think as possible the equality among everyone, but differences are innumerable and substantially necessary. Some may think that anybody can be governor, intellectual, building worker or bodybuilder, but not everybody has the same qualities or interests; though this is not the problem. Is not about racial or cultural issues, but an economical one, where anomalies can be identify –racial or cultural issues emerge with the figure of power as the one who rules economy−. Behavior of power as economy controller corresponds to a risible and childish factor: indisposition to coexistence. Over the low-high status category, some are willing to do what others not. This was already customized on primitive behavior, if we add economical factor, the willing to “do” become a bumbling monster trying to coordinate with a real interest, so now we can perceive the conflict. It seems that to do whatever each one wants is the goal, and at certain point an achievement, but is not like that at all. From a psychological point of view, an arrogant and intransigent person would use the power to deliberately harming people, among other porpoises: the point here is that this person would need very different stimulations that might not correct its character, but could provide several options to generate some modifications and changing behavior. Money –not economy−, on this example, may disappear; it means, to fix this kind of problems, money is unnecessary, though it would require some consumption modes, like travelling, production and others that archaic economies are unable to include.
This chapter explains that a lot of personal needs intended to be satisfied by an economical system based on incommensurable quantities of an accumulated abstract value and submitted to speculation are deeply dysfunctional. Is used to be thought that money is the stimuli for societies to be productive, but it ain’t like that −this is far too much under discussion as to bring more arguments out−. What should be perceived is that created necessities to commercially satisfy the markets, can use professionals to develop similar commercial fields, but quitting from wasting modes. For instance: The use of shampoo is basic on everyday life, so there is a whole market for it, but what is needed is a hair cleaning product and, though there could be a lot of different applications for the user, the use of this product shouldn’t need any marketing because people will have just whatever the choice they need. From this example forward, there are production chains that work altogether to be a supplying shampoo industry to the world. If people wouldn’t be paid to do this job, it could be possible that some would be doing something else, which could be pretty useful as well. To generate a consumption mentality, it appears to be convenient to make believe that without money people wouldn’t do anything, but it has more to do with power culture because is the one that tends to the less effort attitude, and though to make money require a good deal of working, its porpoises are from a very low profile. Is not about to point anything, because even this condition should be taking in count as an item to a macro-structural reconfiguration. Is possible that several factors may be reduced at minimum, like servitude, but that shouldn’t represent any problem. At the most fantastic scenario, if all anomalies would seem to be fixed to those who don’t want to realize some specific activity, people who would do whatever they want to do, may develop a system to solve those activities that no one wants to do –nanotechnology may be the option−.
Macro-structure –which works with every grouping force− is the principal factor to make functional the integral human paradigm. Is not about hope or positive thinking, not to create slogans about trust and force union, but to kickstart a process to eliminate the wasting left by the political-economy-social top-roof that won’t let us change. Classic production modes left lots of wasting, promote false expectations, sub estimate authenticity, pump empty values and is supported by corruption and vice, constantly actualized to function intelligently. This is inadmissible, compared to the complexity level in which we are integrated. Of course there are amazing human aspects, but as they are assimilated into dysfunctional structures, they are anomalies too. Millions of people haven’t experience happiness along history or they receive it as such a slight glimpse when their hurricane’s eye allows them to appreciate some simple aspects in reality –this people could be rich or poor−. Adagios like “Life’s hard”, “Be happy with the less”, “All that matters is your people”, “The greatest honor is to be a patriot”, and so on, those are subconsciously functional patterns to activate a renouncing level that amplifies as long as the personal wrecking becomes prominent.
                Another important aspect is the increasing of competence spirit over human practicing, but instead adding the surviving instinct, a correlated brash would be best. The porpoise of surviving in this terms is wining, deceive, defeat, humiliate, being superior, the destruction of an ego or a capacity; the correlated brash means to go further, using of resources and structure them to a new process that led to a higher challenge for human magnification. The synergic mode for this achievement is the Interfactorial Procedures Implementation which correlate several issues to some dysfunction to reconfigure it and resolve it. An Interfactorial Procedure allows to different articulating levels get functional as any production process is inputted as a popular needing. The great difference is that it works into a less restrained economical mode and enhance all processes. For instance: By providing transcommunicational technology (real time translation) of languages around the world, implemented without any commercial parameters, may significantly reduce public policies which delay every resulting and would led to a syncretic-eclectic advancement to functionally integrate the original cultures onto the civilized world, not as a preservation mode but as an active human settlements, so all different languages would remain longer with a particular projection autonomy. This implementations must consider the accessibility of such technology and the way the user would reattribute to society for been provided with a gadget that enhance their integration to the social-productive mechanisms. It would regulate congruently the ancestral patrimony as well as belonging to the local and intercultural interested groups and not exclusively to be exploited by governments and institutions.
                The difference among interfactorial procedures and commercial vision is the porpoise, because commerce searches the greater corporative benefit and all expected factors are restrained to a costing indicative to produce excessive profits. The interfactorial procedure connect all areas that intervene into production to make it functional, dynamic, it would identify the problems and adapts its outputs and interfactorial effectiveness. The goal of human magnification is to eliminate abuse from indifference that recognize the most evident solutions and choose to cynically mess it right up.
                 Making the figure of power to modify the tasks that sustain it, require parallel processes to fortify this porpoise. Populations in the world need to use a more rigorous intelligence to avoid riots to be their exclusive transformation mechanism. Democracy must no longer be available as the line to promote fake expectations, there should be developed other authentic mode of political descriptions among people and state and it must emerge from a reconfiguration process. Most conventional methods are perceived as vice or virtue depending on the convenience, so these categories correspond to the archaic market system. For instance, corruption mechanisms could be incorporated or dismissed depending on their re-functioning. On the other hand, public and corporative contributions to the state wouldn’t need to run any tricks like taxes diminution over donations or fake altruist initiatives just to reduce fiscal “obligations” and at the same time generating richness without providing real public benefits or contributions to society. Without money, corruption may incorporate to economy or being dismissed if necessary. So, just like money, another present vices and virtues would experiment its conceptual formulation as falsifying, working income, financial transactions, contraband, national constitutions and even moral, truth, violence, etcetera.
                What’s important here is to avoid changes to come just in the edge, when technology turns overwhelming, pollution become impossible to eliminate and violence burst out; when economical measurements reach an speculative financial skyscraper unable to give any twist to fix it out or a scientific mistake may bring a mayor risk. The more transcendental conflict would be the international breaking, which tension tends to war on low or high intensity; that’s what has to be reconfigured from a macro-structural vision, so human species may be able to remain as a conscious, rational-emotional and intelligent entity. Those in charge to make efficient the global economy, one of the most transcendental human disciplines, goes for the consolidation of a financial system that no one could put on question or crumble down, based over power pillars and civilization vices, but very few dare to develop a no monetary economical system, prominent requirement to diminish the whole auto-destructive tendencies from an abstract perception applied to real processes. To impose a price to any service or product and paying by law its cost, is one of the most dysfunctional civilization’s vices. If there is a no-monetary economy project somewhere now, surely is trapped down on academy and perceived as a utopian subject; in spite of it, this is precisely what is needed in the world. It wouldn’t be necessary to think about communism, socialism or revolution, neither any capitalist variation to reconfigure the international economy. This kind of arrangements would renovate human constitution and wouldn’t require the elimination of comfort, or the welfares of an enhanced civilization, nor to apply any austerity politics, because the porpoise is to start a world level movement. To make this possible, all cultures with the viewing to put knowledge ahead should be included, instead of justify the omission of their thinking, regard it later by institutions as if they would increase the practical application of an “ancestral knowledge”. I refer to the original cultures because they are who suffer the most the effects of economy and dysfunctional politics, but it happens with education, developing and international transactions as well.
                Consumption on capitalist mode –to rest relevancy to neoliberalism− is another important vice and to get it included into the reconfiguration process would require that the consumption levels were a consequent developing result as the reduction on demanding markets or as Alvin Toffler would point it: mass production demassification. Is indispensable that all vices mentioned find their modulation as a process over new systems and put out attention to make solid the human virtues by deep culture all over the world, encouraging habits to speed up the information flux by physical and virtual interaction among nations.
                There’s and indicative that evaluates how the energy consumption on the planet per year is approximately the received over the exosphere from the sun per hour; this would mean that implementing an actualized energetic system would cover the more crucial needs that wouldn’t get functional by the limited actual economic system. Energy is the magnitude that may change our nature –in every sense−, so is the most important issue to reconfigure civilization.
                 The different areas over macro-structure must go forth to the most transcendental movement, the next step for humanity, it would be: To loose fear. The greatest limit to achieve the human potential, its civilization and the entities that emerge into an artificial realm, is fear, been afraid that the other people and the other things grows and became advanced; is totally absurd that this would be the motor and at the same time the breaking of processes that forecast humanity in cosmos. Is good to recognize fear a function to regulate our instincts and contain erroneous decisions, but humanity has exaggerated the proportions of this utility, so fear become an organic veil that covers our physical body and takes it to the world pretending to be part of it, but it turns insecure and engenders anomalies over any issue. Power seduces wise men, but fear brings them down. It means that is not the fighting courage what defeats fear, but the integration on not giving up to the destructive instinct.
                There are simple circumstances that shouldn’t be, like force to gain its own sustaining to those who cannot follow the corporative game. Is not about to eliminate social classes on principle, but the restrictions that sustain the systematic abuse of the figure of power. Knowledge must be applied to restructure the world, not to preserve the market game. Solving economic poverty is the most important issue on this age, is all about will and coordination. Hitherto, the people interested on modifying anomalies fail because they don’t use technology but to consume it, so a more dynamic coordination among people and tech system is needed instead. Hackers use technology on another level, even for social porpoises, but is most required to put on conjunction more media to structure a consistent interfactorial procedure.
                Social movements are vulnerable by manipulation, it requires some less troubled strategies –the complexity is understandable, but the number of people involved becomes a perception problem−; so, to get the right outcomes, the groups organized to transform need to use technology more deeply, to get involved over circumstances that transcends their particular issues and, most of all, tactical reinforcing. Public riots are controlled pit fields, with almost null results, if there aren’t no capability to release modifying analysis with renovated methods. Protesting choice and inconformity showing, shouldn’t be actual procedures over the so called “inferior-middle” classes; now they have to reveal their superior knowledge. Seemingly, social strata that doesn’t led to a belligerent practices must strengthen an organizational intelligence, similarly as violence but with a superior goals behavior, not violent.
                A good example could be Google’s company, a great technological developer now on 21fst. century. At march, year 2014, Google defines its own developing tendency as out of military headings −the dating is mentioned because is about a commercial operation that inevitably exchanges speculations by multiple factors−. Google could be an example of superiority grades that would be given to humanity from a no belligerent position that another companies and organizations could emulate. Knowledge applied in order to generate an initial mode of macro-structural reconfiguration is a priority to our species. We know this implies war, but if we implicate reconfiguration parameters instead –is not about philosophy or ideology, but solid, not restricted knowledge procedures; let’s get over that archaic structuralism represented by money economy−, that’s the only ‘how’ war possibilities decrease. Rational intelligence is more needed than ever, including emotions and feelings; it means: Inherent complexity of Being’s magnificence.
                If some ethnical groups keep up with this ascensions, they would pretty soon provide a practicable knowledge and so required from its very ethnical origins. Both, the governed and the governors, have to let go the fear to transform such origins because beyond death, changing is perennial and any culture is aware of it. If ethical groups would achieve to assimilate their cosmogonic burden –not cosmogony wasting, but the fear to cultural diversity− and material, other organizational modes may qualify to do it as well. What’s real on this project –I know− is like pretending “football’s” morphology –this kind of representative of many physiological and intellectual vices− become a low profile trend over the collective brain of this times −sort of imposible-like−, allowing our intelligence −whether we like football or not− to perceive this perspective as essential. The porpoise is to expose that the causes of world disorder are found on the childish human behavior, that impose unreachable goals for majorities and of a lower profile than that of our biological and rational-emotional capacities, in spite of having technique by our side.
                Every kind of aggressive and belligerent behavior is a constant human procedure, but as it would seem a constitutive attached to our nature, is not; the tendency to solve transcendent conflicts by any kind of force magnitude has a circumstantial root, even the regional or international violent escalades got contextualized from the interconnected nodes which entangle different aspects of a sort of inevitable conflicts. A war, before it gets to this point, includes factors that wouldn’t be part of the arguments to create this big conflict. The problem is the economic system that civilization uses, because is served by a great deal of fakeness to justify multiple interests and to satisfy apparent economical needs and so turn effective the political simulations of fake functional scenarios. The very technological development plays a critic position down on this procedure, because it takes an influencing part all over the international commerce since the last century armament is the most stronger heading. Of course there are some other industrial issues that shows a bigger and productive influence like automoviles, domestic field and infrastructure, but armament has another kind of economic activity that turns a democratic mode improbable, even though it appears to be feasible on an age that function pretty differently. To insist over that the figure of power should be one representative of the government chose by the people itself –that risible Democracy− is an appearance that works as the major cause of the political-economic-social roof that keeps an obsolete operational flux over active sources and systems. Congruent governs with this pre-planetarian age should have a high range reconfiguration to perceive the benefit over the whole human issues.
                Armament industry reconfiguration is an example about how would macro-structure impact by an advanced comprehension of the most sensible aspects over civilization. Hitherto, weapon using in nations represents the net power status displayed by each one, that’s how the argument variables come out to put on gaming the historic context. This can be transformed if weapon industry began to generate an energetic magnification activity. Armament represents the most childish feature of mankind that define so very questionable parameters like heroic values, that besides been risible,  shows as hypocrite by an apocryphal behavior because of its very false attributes. Military institutions all over the world could represent an authentic idealistic exercise if, instead of releasing defense and intervention strategies, they would execute developing procedures up to the magnitudes to propitiate a human aspiring ascension because society’s malfunctions resulted from needing (aspire to) higher levels of competence, but the only higher here is to give and stand great damage, so it would be better defined as a primitive state’s instrument.
                Crime is a substrate from military and politics that inevitably would be comprehended into the endocrine instituted military behavior; that’s why crime not represents any problem, not because is socio-politically irrelevant or not critically damaging, but it would be solved by integral reconfiguration procedures over macro-structure.
                Proposals over this work emphasize the transition from a primitive human behavior to a condition that would stand by humanity itself, that’s why is necessary to develop the next chapter which explains the Orgint paradigm where all changes described up to this point, are comprehended.

                What keep us human?
                This was the final question of a magazine I did the year 2013 titled Being More than Human −by now it’s been just one number−, with that project I planned to introduce publicly the present work. That was a few paging magazine about some ideas that I was interested with the theme of transcending human condition and why doing it. The question could have been “Why would it be necessary to be more than humans?”, but I thought that from the very title I was already stated a manifest, so the question at the end was What keep us human? After a year, this work still been a more elaborated introduction and now I’m at the same point and to me it becomes more imperative, not just answer to the question, but to design the method that leads to calibrate all civilization’s institutions but without wasting dysfunctional behavior procedures. Is not about speaking of The Truth, its value is relative to the decisive magnitude that need to perceive it, that’s why truth couldn’t be a superior thought parameter, but only a circumstantial constitutive perspective.
                To be part of the next earth’s age a different system where most cultures fit is needed to introduce them into gradual complexity levels, so the global humankind could be reconfigured the most solid as possible. Transhumanism, another contemporary proposal is developing an abrupt physiological adaptation to interact with artificial organisms and intelligence, more efficient synthetic materials, probably autonomous ciberbehavior and a long etcetera that’s turning each time more interesting, nevertheless it is a classic procedure, not accurate if the goal is to keep up with this technological rhythm; it means that is about an integral condition. Before make a recounting of our human features I will introduce the context of another principle that sustains the Macro-structural Reconfiguration.
                The actual world concept refers to productivity speed as an answer to the rhythm demands. If we talk about centralizing productive activity on specific regions around the planet, we may think of “corporative fierce” or “abysmal differences” on international economies, undeniable with all the systems saturated, but with parameters that transcends the most fundamental component restrictions, it means, the nature itself, space, resources and its resilience capacity, all these have an efficiency that is far over us. The “Faster times” concept is fully incongruent and shouldn’t be feared by a human species with a great potential reserved for the ages to come. The excessiveness of certain arguments which turns collective is convenient to impede that masses (a pejorative concept where groups with the ideal of democracy are joint) could achieve a stability to allow a particular point of view of world, civilization, development, rights and culture concepts, cause of the political-economic-social roof which nullify multiple options to bring it down, meaning, the polluting materials, hyperproduction and the wrong political strategies with fake porpoises and big scarcity. 
                It is not that complicated to understand the whole picture, the speediest world that we are living on exacerbate the unnecessary human behavior. For instance: Companies force people to work over programmed check in-check out timing, but productive utility doesn’t depend on this parameter, cause even though there are lapses with a very intense activity during the day, there are others with activity is practically non; besides, there are other trades and professions that allows a great deal of free time. Some working policies demand that the personal continue working, even when the day maintains a lower activity. This kind of demanding behavior produces wasting, garbage, mistakes, working traumas and other operative dysfunctions just to keep the workers on activity. It could be acceptable to think that before the technological age applying this kind of disciplinary modes may be rather unquestionable, but it is coercive, primitive and speeds the processes by using an obtuse power though; work-family-education tyranny is crumbling down because of different reasons, two of these reasons are important because of their common sense: first is that technology is already taking part of social and productive processes that generates a more dynamic rhythm –with reduced number of workers doing hard activities; saturated avenues with stressed drivers; or locked students who’s aspiring’s are to be the best right into this dysfunctional system−. Expectations on integrated technology to this civilization’s tasks reveal a very different perspective of humanity over this new world. The second reason why tyrannies will crumble is people’s awaking to bring out another kind of human formation, to value each person’s capacities to a gradual transformation thanks to the technological dynamism. The influence of corporative visions over a high-low profile productivity is the problem, with their obsolete fear that people start working in comfort; that’s why they seem incapable to apply modifications that would have insignificant residual productivity losses. Along this chapter there’ll be described the implemented procedures to put on practice the Macro-structural Reconfiguration.
“Conservative” conditions –as the incapability to tolerate changing− that structure the world, use hate as a perturbing and retrograding mechanism; nevertheless, the loosing of fear on any human condition, allows to perceive the changing magnitude among two orders that may coexist and should prevail: biologic and artificial. Whatever it is, the capacity to overview the performing levels of technology –automat, using anthropomorphized intelligence, adaptable, integral or nano-cellular, etcetera− would enhance the possibilities that humanity transcends itself with the porpoise of not getting “extinguish” abruptly for fear, ambition or its obsession for a fantastic future.
Before giving an answer to the question of this very chapter, I would like to add that the trust required from humanity for a project like this should be much –pretty much− higher, because the kind of modifications proposed here, they are unconceivable for many people, most of all to those who haven’t realize the kind of advancement science has already reached along with our thought and with commercial porpoises. But is not just trust, advancement doesn’t stops, ever, possibly not even with a disaster that crumbles down the whole civilization. Most of the social, corporative or criminal behavior anomalies are cause of a tactical omission applied to the very progress to continue working the same ways; what hasn’t been taking in count is that having understood the utility of this mechanisms, by just changing our economy mode, benefits would increase comfort reducing mental, physical and personal affections; besides values perception would be more dynamic and consistent; the emerging of this kind of values is influencing right now. Human evolution has not end and science-technology achievements are part of this procedure, with the difference that their parameters are paradigmatic. Just the way conscience was the singularity on nature, AI, principally, is the newest singularity over the vital paradigm.
¿What keep us Human?
 When I started to think about my answer about it, I realize that is a very ancient question –I knew it, but didn’t take it in count until now−. What I can assure is that my intention is answer to the question What keep us human?, not to What makes us human? Would it be more simple? We will see.
Biologic features are the first aspect here, we share it with the majority of primates which are a more or less refined version of distinct qualities of the other species. Some time ago, somebody postulate the theory that mammals had survived to the meteorite by which dinosaurs got extinguished, thanks to a tiny rodent that got hidden into the cracks of the higher rocks, it found out how to stand the hot temperatures down on every surface. But independently of the final conclusion that could ever have the genealogic tree of all biologic species, human being shares a high percentage of the characteristics of other living things, so this would be just a contextual approach to the answer. Hands, brain and consciousness are more specific constitutives of human condition that provides an opportunity to carry on with them to start up a civilization homologizing other specie’s organizational systems like those of the ants colonies; or the air, sky and ocean emigrations; or even the symbiotic relationships among other species. Hunting, agriculture, cattle rising and harvesting are funding systems of a resource civilizing procedure; right here is how our actual qualities began to emerge.
                When man were fully in the animal category, it was pure instinct what ruled on us, so interaction among the species couldn’t be judged as good or bad, there was not the rational parameters to make it, but that’s been changed now because moral is an active projection over the most interpretative sights of the world; nevertheless, into the good-evil, positive-negative judges, it’s been established that human reconfiguration takes a count the finding complexities on its parameters where ethics will have a major inherency over any kind of circumstances than that what is simply moral.
                Technique is another remarkable factor to our evolution. From prehistory, technique has taken an important place to man’s experience, but not just of man, all life’s reigns had emerge from this cosmos’s intelligent quality that produces multifactorial mechanisms which comes from this technique not as primitive but as a primary status. Even language is a complex combination of properties that we share with animals, vegetables, and the random faculties that modules chaos.
                Spatial adaptations that give origin to the cultural perception in consciousness are the scenery where behavior shows its usefulness more systematically; the group’s leaders there transcended the most instinctive intuition and began to emerge the distinct hierarchies that make that group functional. That’s the same mode remaining today from approximately a million years ago and the events attached to our genome has structured certain patterns that are fixed into our culture immediateness. Power, as an organizational mechanism, is conformed by primitive functions that gradually developed representational concepts in order to share behavior conventions over people groups.
                Ethics and moral are rational parameters to evaluate conditions over the human actions; so values are an ambiguous psycho-linguistic function to control the senses by generalizing categories where such judgment excludes its complexity –just a commentary to contextualize values attached to the figure of power−. Over that primitive condition this feature has been consolidated along the human ages. Superiority, honor, merit, loyalty to a representative, are values to support the order in function; humility, sense of duty, sacrifice, effort, perseverance and fidelity are the values of those on submission to that kind of order. As well, there are values to support reason and away from power porpoises which are more close to the good will, but still ambiguous; honesty, compassion and sense, etcetera, belong to this group. There is even a fourth group conformed by universal ideals as truth, liberty and respect which cannot be perceived as absolutes, but they still are so in the human mind.
                Next to values notions, there is another rational feature that corresponds to character and personality, to the psychology of choosing a certain group values, which in this work is understood as the ethic system. The figure of power generally uses a domain and control ethical system.
                Hitherto, human reason and primitive behavior is unable to turn this a calibrating tool among technique and the species performing to enhance it. If we could make a tour around the important stages of the human cultures to put it onto an imaginary graphic, the picks and valleys would go up in magnitudes as reaching civilizing balance shouting down over the middle age and ascending again over the follow centuries; the higher pick would be at the industrial age, where after a couple of decades of socio-political structural movements descending picks may represent most of the imaginary graphic trajectory. It could be pretty ironic that, if this supposition may be perceived as correct –this should be evaluated on detail by a methodology that might already exist−, the quantic jumpings produced by contemporary thinking and science may take part on a brutally unstable panorama and disposed into the new structures which most higher pick could have been caused by the drastic changes of the species that has marked in planet Earth’s nature its first singularity, of course it means humanity. ¿All across the universe? It would be pretty anthropocentric to categorically assure it, but is a possibility.
                This imaginary graphic could be measured as the Everest Mont aside to the Olympo on planet Mars; putting it this way means to identify that the technological age as the precedent of a planetarian age signifies a great descending over a century since the industrial age, where this graphic could have been more regular, but instead, human conflicts create this sinking-like status. Although it sounds hard, the furiousness of civilization barely pass the century and aside from the possibilities unknown represented by the Olympo Mont in the imaginary graphic, would probably mean nothing –as purely statistic−.
                To keep up into the technological development, our species must correct every mistake which conform the decadence maintained by humanity. Keep up with technology implies to comprehend it and improve it at working with it, because the waste mentioned before is directly related to our species; is not a technology issue. Probably would be necessary a higher chaotic process to reach a stability out from the perceptive conflict of individuals and groups. A more drastic variable could be auto destruction as a consequence of the persistent fear preserved by both emergent and original cultures.
                As it has been shown up to here, some of the features that keep us human, though is only to begin, led to contingency. Is not about to point out that what is bad and then aspire to that what is good; aspiring to something better wouldn’t be right either, that would mean that our procedures continues to replicating all the structural inconsistencies which shouldn’t remain active if our porpoise is to living through the experience of hypertechnology, the new paradigm in nature that modifies the biologic configuration by controlling energy magnitudes with great precision.
                Humanity is determined to keep working with the same primitive instruments that execute disarticulating procedures. Society, economy, progress and life itself are endangered by this incongruent behavior where we endure aboard into a cosmological entity called planet Earth, which is a singularity in itself because it has life and is part of this phenomenology that transcends any trying to meta–signifying from this planet to humanity. Somebody said that our brain might be more complex than the whole universe; this kind of pretentions provoke that humanity continues over the same line that is following currently: wrong, insufficient, vulnerable. Anyhow, our brains are systemic structures on equivalent proportion to the quantic activity that we probably ignore its full magnitude. Universe is a pre-structure to our brain and a magnitude superior in force can destroy it. Is up to us that the complexity of the brain would grow congruently enough to proof that is more complex than cosmos. Brain is in universe and as human, we couldn’t assure that we know the absolute of cosmos.
                The best way to figure out what keep us human is identifying what we should preserve to still being it. Is comprehensible that people may think that being more human or being better human is right, but that’s exactly why humanity cannot be better, because its process has made out what it is right now; so that’s the meaning of the being more than human paradigm; humanity is unable to follow its own magnification as a primary entity because is required a capacity to provide strong solutions from a congruent mode, little bit slowly over certain circumstances. Such a process would spread a less sophisticated dynamism, more consistent and with a possible cultural straightness over a membrane structure; it means that there may be identical systematizations around the world. Over a hypothetical scenario, a less sophisticated human kind would be interested to evolving its organic physiology, refining senses and regulating global technology; it may dismiss odd behavior to prevent contingencies that might exceed the capacity of civilization; procedures would signify international agreements to develop precise communicational systems that would avoid manipulating semiology to codify world business activity and arrangements. Of course this is a hypothetical construction in the case that human kind would self-prevail, over itself and worked out a gradual-slower transformation.
                If humanity continue this way, this would be its performance mode: It may be chasing the same chimeras, completely alienated by the modeling of the world, it would sink over domain preconceptions as if it would mean a cosmo-anthropocentric determinism; any brash of prevention would be sabotaged and its trajectory would go voluntarily to confront the most absurd situations, created with the intangible matter of power that justifies any anomaly.
                If humanity continues the same, it would allow to some silly dynamics like money would remain indefinitely over brain’s control, because any productive stimuli besides of depending from its neurological flux, manage the brain’s physiology, which regulate all biologic systems. Absurd that money is the tangible representation of the intangible influence of power; money is nothing on its own, only measures a human mind manifestation which categorizes acquisitive levels as superior structures. Over this path, the political-economic-social trap is fully attached to money, so without it, cultural structures would interact among each other without any kind of manipulating code between them. Every cultural conflict would be caused by a sort of alienation where money would play a very complex part without been the center of anomalies. The greed for money may design all societies minds and stumbling would drive them to a systematic confrontation without any porpoise to sublime civilization.
Technology wouldn’t reflect those conditions because it has its own evolving process and money is not necessarily an instrument to produce it; if the human enterprise uses this economic-organizational mode, it wouldn’t mean that is money what rises civilization. With money, humanity has used technology to increase its consequences; in fact, the use of this resource has generated an inconsistent behavior unable to define a future mode that may be independent from technology; this is important, so the next definition may help to see the picture: Mankind history has been pretty long and transcendent; the history of money is pretty short and insignificant; the history of technology is just starting and is already taking charge of the future humanity, this is why money is equivalent to a restricting procedure.
                Let’s step up from the supposition exercise to mention another factor why money is not a pillar of civilization and yet it affects the contemporary developing vision: People use to think that power is a sinister force. Is such a primitive pretention that includes a whole mystic about a malign character profile; so if it is real or fictitious, is a collective phenomenon that seems to be necessary to justify the world’s affections. Is undeniable that power culture at its higher influencing levels is now current, but it wouldn’t be accurate to conceive it as an evil structure because with reconfiguration, including an ethics with advanced values, good or evil wouldn’t be a rigid perception but a consistent one. Even more, actually, most of economically active groups intend to be part of the higher grade over the capitalist system, so keeping the preconception of power-evil is fully incongruent with the macro-reconfiguring function. The representatives of this force are the multimillionaires, those who manipulate the masses perception with the silly porpoise to preserve their richness.
                This social strata is the one that domains the most influential concepts that constructs all individuals reality and, nevertheless, they’re coordinated by contradictions. Their most defining believing is individualism –a neoliberal principle-, but right in this mode, a millionaire is a corporation, it means that he introduces the notion of being individual over a collectivity, so his individuality won’t represents by itself; not even the person that is in command of his corporation is individual. That person alienated by richness, got suspended from the world interaction and indifferent at the human top-roof, so is a pathological reflection of its contradictions; it happens with a single person as with entire communities. This is another primitive feature in civilization because it means that isolation, full or partial, is the major dysfunction of money, which substance represents the species mental scarcity. This way of describing the contemporary “financial” dynamics is a good approximation to understand how unnecessary money is, because the benefits of its symbol can be acquirable without its material significance. Fear-hate culture inoculated into money is a resourcing that tangibly impacts over reality; to give transcendence to historical events and its procedures, would increase a wrong expectative over this behavior that is going through a paradigmatic transition; past shouldn’t be a contemporary premise if we intend to avoid the reproduction of those archaic modes. History is important to preserve knowledge, not to share as traditional conflictive behaviors. To achieve present thinking advancement, the Orgint –Integral organism− more than human will, would put to neoliberalism as a noetologic process to implement ascension conditions to our species and everything onboard on the planet.
                Individualism, as cultural-philosophical-corporative preference, conforms a part of the human dysfunctional gamma and, as species, reduces our capacities. The personal achievement is important, that’s undeniable, but is not absolute; an individualist uses the work of other individuals and groups and is indifferent to the complexity that configure its conditions. For instance: There’s no universal law to determine the absolute equivalency among beauty and virtue, richness and knowledge or size and force; the complexity among this factors interaction doesn’t reproduce the same result on every case. An individualist at the ideal command position over this economic picture, will use degrading strategies to their supposedly authority. An individualist, powerful or not, disguise cleverness with opportunism and cheating, use to abuse with indifference, shows good will to obtain advantage at the most little chance, is corrupt and wouldn’t care about the protection of any person or resource that has ever been useful to him/her. To be an individual is a valuable attitude when other individuals attributes are appreciated and when consciously a linking interaction means to recognize to other persons; otherwise, when the personal benefit is a priority, that what is individual becomes individualism.
                A persistent quality on our species is the magnification of problems on low impact –as a misunderstanding among people− or high impact –when its consequences reach a financial or international status−. The magnification of problems is the tendency to create a conflict without caring about the nature of factors involved or even knowing them pretty well, to impose a regulatory authority that responds to arbitrary institutional criteria. In war –an example of the human will that can occur even in to the family− the motivations are themselves a dispersive feedback effect where arguments don’t resolve the problem and instead, gets focus on a chain function to get ahead in advantage, defeat the opponent and gain up with the benefit; besides, it tries to align a determinist thinking that becomes irrational. So the figure of power uses a hypocrite attitude to manipulate to its receiver. To avoid the magnification of problems, operational contingency solutions must be implemented. The macro-structural reconfiguration would dynamize the jammed issues and would settle real scenarios to use them intelligently; it would intervene as well over the human interaction achieving systematic applications to release an effective advancement without been affected by the merchandizing servant of capitalism.
                There are other important features that keep us human and come out from economic conventions, but instead, it must and should be perceived independently from economy. State constitutions and legal systems would work over the reconfiguration to get the most precise conceptualizing (over the imprecision principle) of the statements that may found the new temper transformation. Laws are transcendental to identify the irreducible meaning of behavior as a psychosocial phenomenon which doesn’t operates linearly, not predictable or standardized. The actual legal systems enclose this factor into a methodology to sustain the functional anomalies that would be straight or corruptible as the case requires it to be. Actually is permissible an adaptation of the legal function under political conditions, business trending or protectionism, so it would be incongruent not to perceive these as real circumstances that must be recognized as not linear behavior. Proceeding at the reconfiguration of law systems may reduce the recurrent probabilities of legal misreading modes, so corruptibility wouldn’t show the higher levels that present nowadays, but it could be expected a minimum range of recurrence that could  be reduced. With a more dynamic method of legal perception which would take its place over social, politic and economic congruencies, corruption tendency should be gradually minimized until it disappear as a despotic instrument that cheats to be functional as a moral compromising procedure.
                The sentence To err is human must be a part of this transition where human mistakes and doubting were important to the ascending configuration and the possibilities of contingency may been forecasted into the particular procedures; doing this, the concept of perfection would refer to a state of permanent updating where neurolinguistic and bioartmic (precise use of energy) configurative orders were a consented among Human kind and Technology. This mode would operate to define the Orgint category, which describes to the More Than Human Integral Orgnism as a step to the adaptation-ascension range of being in the world, into cosmology.
                Human cosmology and that of every earthling is granted over this work as well as the whole transformation processes occurred in our planet; this cosmology is totally linked to our species because it modifies the nature systems, but it doesn’t mean that we humans or our gods are the cosmology –at least not yet−. We cannot assure if weather changing is caused by human actions, for instance, but our cosmology is conformed by this kind of phenomena where our responsibility might not have decisive implications; in case we have it –because of geo-engineering or the atmosphere degradation−, as we are into the cosmology on planet earth we are a modifying factor, but our moral affections are only a sequential order and unattached from it. Planet Earth has its own cosmological process and if humanity is good or bad, right over this kind of factors, it ain’t transcendental at all for the changes that the planet is going through –in the sense we are integrated to it−. Finally, if humanity reaches out the Orgint Paradigm, the improvement on its adaptation would be the equivalency of its knowledge implemented to survival, but not to affect ontologically to universal cosmology. We may affect our planet by been part of the cosmology, but not by being the most important piece in cosmos.
                To be more than human means to transcend the primitive human condition that still use archaic instrumentation and thinking modes; it is the base of the political-economic-social top-roof in its cosmogony that shifts to a cosmological sub development. Ascending to the Orgint level requires to step ahead of the technological evolution, preserving its own biological qualities and those about the whole nature and setting the initial process of the planetarian age over an advanced adaptability. In this representative age of technology, setting the prevention mode would take civilization to a congruent advance –not necessarily slower− and would step up from the big conflicts that we experience now –systemic inconsistency, technological incongruence, mental discordance and physical vulnerability−; it would avoid the generated contingencies that now exceed the civilization capacities. Human attitude in this case can be described with the edge metaphor where the steps given are unable to notice they have to change the route until the edge is eminent and trying to step back reveals the paradox: This is a cancelled procedure.
                In a short novel that I wrote with the intention of elaborate an improvement from humanity, the protagonist get to the conclusion that our species won’t change, so he decides ultimately to be congruent with himself until he turns into something he never thought could be possible; it takes him to experience his own metaphysics and reaches a profound knowledge about the cosmology in which he is settle, and then he readapts his personal cosmogony. So, from this literary exercise, I indeed modify my intention to change humanity and then I understood as well that universal levels may conform singularities to mark the border paradigm between the linear configuration, its limit and the transformation horizon, as if it was a reverted black hole, so the process is sublimed and a massive events production occurs then. In this sense, past is an imperturbable-like impression that remains only as a residual storage which may be adapted to future formats; but humanity got it as an emotional appendice that keep a lacking behavior of integral processes that turns them dysfunctional; paradoxically, the human perception of the past obstructs their development. This paradox can be resolved if the cultural cosmogony don’t interpose with the process on cosmology. Seemingly, mental dogmas with social-economical-political congruencies are not obstructions, until they start to intervene with a cosmology in evident state of transformation, then it could be perceived as unwanted issues. These dogmas represent to religious believing, servitude values, cultural traditions, psycho-social notions and power procedures, because they hold a complex cosmology onto their particular cosmogony system, so they impose their world conception to changes that occur in real time. It would seem obvious that the world should be alike to any human group, but it breaks when there are various cultures, all involved in the same transformation process.
                A possible approach to resolve this circumstance is to systematize the common points among cultures, principally religions and ethnic original groups, so its representatives may found the way to communicate the knowledge corresponding among them. The importance of this according is that the followers of religions and the keepers of ancestral traditions could understand that every culture has a believing system to structure the world, so respect doesn’t correspond to a moral porpoise, but to an integral development. To systematize the cultural syncretism would avoid that development were based from one thinking supremacy over another one, besides it would led the tangible transcendence of their knowledge without needing to sustain an intercultural domination.
                Now I’m getting closer to the chapter where the main Philosophical Zero proposal is exposed as an strategy to be the kickstart of Macrostructural Reconfiguration, so before I get to this point, there’s a few aspects that must be reviewed.
                To every culture, most of all to those who grieve a development with no benefits, is necessary to adapt their cosmogony to the world transforming cosmology and not trying to break up with it because of their conventional limits; the problem of every cultural strata whether traditional, corporative, scientific or politic, etcetera, is that all of them wants to preserve that what they consider sacred, but that attitude tend to impede to keep up with the transformation magnitude in which they are already hosted. Money is a common factor over the different types of culture, but it is as well the possession of truth, among other concepts that keep rigid the structures of the most influencing groups to the world. Is not simple to look out for a mental changing by noticing the corporative and religious dimensions that model our civilization, but still viable to introduce a gradual adaptation that the groups may perceive as a priority, knowing this adaptation enhance several factors as an integral mode. This procedure can be visualized from different ways, economy is the most imperative, but this is a process that requires the support of the sub developed structures. An example is the initiative of a north-american priest that invested in the acquisition of a robot to start interacting with AI from his religious vision. From art, the synth pop band Depeche Mode is an example of how to assimilate a dogma that structure a cosmogony in order to integrate it to the cosmology that conforms it. Their music works consistently, articulating a pretty advanced sophistication that reaches great esthetical levels of complexity; over their lyrics the dogma persist but it is questioned, put on proof, intervened and consolidated. Depeche Mode chose a religious manifestation as a philosophic-esthetical-commercial extension with such solidness that entangled very profound qualities into a kind of music that is recognizable all over the world. Of course this process requires a pretty high sensibility, but other processes which applies a specific kind of knowledge, systematization and productive negotiability is necessary to access to a higher ranges of interfactorial processing, which besides sensibility, increase individual qualities making possible an improved experience level, consistent and free of that cognitive stress supported by the genetic memory.
                The childish behavior of human kind is an unnecessary waste and is only a matter of reconfigure macro-structurally to release the useless mechanisms of the top-roof constructed by the actual human cosmogony. Is totally absurd that in these limited context there could be childish scientist with the idea of revive the dinosaurs or philosophers that keep doubting about reality, saying that is an illusion; is also absurd that war motifs were the good life of some over others suffering, just as the negligent and massive wasting of natural resources on our disposition.
                We need to renovate the evolving traction because this is not an exclusive factor of nature anymore; we’ve been getting to a point where we are able to manipulate the emerging of an artificial species that has a retroactive process: It comes from a purely mechanical period that has been synthesizing to the point of emulate a man-like morphology: replicates the physiological system over artificial platforms; generates a cellular robotic equivalent; creates the possibility of structure the particle mechanics upon the access intrinsically to energy; and expands an intelligence that may breed another singularity in the upcoming times. The problem is that our species hasn’t achieve the dynamism necessary over its procedures, even when our intelligence is what has propitiate such an artificial process; the human reason seems no to perceive the implications of the cosmology where it exists, so is just focused on domain, control, the judge of behavior by floating presets, the troubling of minor circumstances and a long etcetera which composes that dysfunctional cosmogony. (Is absurd)
                In this work several initiatives that involve an interfactorial implementation are exposed, it means that it should produce an integral consistency among issues semantically compatible to its cosmology, where the principal paradigms are the natural life paradigm, the conciousness and the new paradigm of the artificial species –with a high potential to generate a self-consciousness as well− but with the recognition that any aspect relates somehow with wholeness. To reach this acknowledgement grade it should be developed a non-restricting way of thinking, that indignation wouldn’t be a social motif anymore and history wouldn’t be used to revitalize the power dysfunctional behavior. Fear must be stopped from been inoculated to institutions and avoid to be imposed by parameters that doesn’t reflect the transition to the new paradigm. Inevitably we have the minimum correspondence to get adapted to this technological age where the equation fear-hate, though it is instrumented with specific porpoises, is a nulling strategy over civilization’s development; the international-historic emphasis of war uses the hating emotions over a wide gamma of intensities which deeply works against human condition.
                Now, it seems that defects are what keep us human, but those are indeed qualities that conform anomalous contexts, so it has to be reconfigured too. A defect, defined by the Imprecision Principle, is a particular function to identify limitations of a conscious or unconscious operative factor in reality –such as the actual condition of AI−. Is not unusual that several defects of different classes work out together; in this case, any process that would emerge from a broken system –it wouldn’t be consider a system− would have a low enhancing, but not necessarily should be wasted out or self-nulled, it can operate with this particular qualities long time with some change or not been modified at all and this could even be accurate or not to each variable. A regular person can use defects to turn them beneficial, so it would be possible not just to survive but to get on top of a group that would be somehow superior. The problem of human civilization is that once these limitations by which a system is inefficient are identified, the necessary modifications are not implemented. Nothing justify avoiding to reconfigure what’s dysfunctional, but perceiving reality compromises to our species to be congruent with its cosmological magnitude. As it was explained before, human kind is a singularity in cosmos and its attitude is not as high as its implications; it could be understandable if we consider the historic trajectory on our process, but conditions on the present world has profoundly changed, so the transformation that human kind will experience this intensity grading soon. That’s why the reconfiguration initiatives won’t fit with archaic modes –most of they are−; their function would be to redirect congruently what compound the top-roof. To make this will be necessary to work out the porpoises of the global socio-political actions. On this, the most advanced human age, any institution, discipline, project, cause, etcetera, has lost the possibility of sublimation from its actual 21fst century condition, so no matter how liable the organizational efforts would be, whether it is particular, from the state or commercial, as it is part of an anomalous system, it would be degraded at any stage of influence. Until a macro-structural reconfiguration process is settled, the civilization system would be potentially corruptible and won’t be able to provide anything to the coming ages; this probably wouldn’t stop the artificial evolution and planetarian ages and if our species is a solid component of this process, it should fit with the actual emerging paradigm.
                This is a recount of the accurate features to answer the question ¿What keep us human?
                Biological features, conscience, nature organizational systems use, instinct and emotions, reason, primitive civilizing characteristics, technique using, culture developing, power practice, knowledge, documented history, inconsistent thinking and procedures, structural intelligence, primitive instrumentation, anthropocentrism, superiority complex, economy mode and judging dysfunctional system, tendency to magnify problems, systematic use of tactics that manipulate hate and fear emotions and, finally, the reluctance to resolve obvious anomalies.
                So defects come up as the characteristics of civilization and for the people who thinks that I miss the qualities, remember that as those are integrated into an anomalous system, its contributions are off as macro-structural fundaments. The features reviewed goes from a neutral grade to a non-favorable perception; a proper panorama would reflect congruencies that may gradually dissolve the top-roof to allow humanity access to a balanced magnification among its particular condition and the cosmology that hosts us.
                To distinguish the difference among what makes from what keeps us human, we should know how much we are stuck on primitivism and in which point we come distant from anomalies. Keep up being human seems not to be accurate at this point, to be better humans cannot be an actual porpoise either because we are going through a new paradigm and we came to this point with this obstructive top-roof over our operative structures. Hence the difference is the change of paradigm; being humans means to develop a behavior cosmogony that become civilizing social structures, a process pretty attached to nature and animal reign; so what keep us human is discerning being part of the new paradigm where cosmogony got synchronized mental and physically with the cosmology of its environment and timing without getting disturbed by the rising singularity which would be the possible conscious awaking on AI, so human kind must go to higher grades on evolving performance. In the case that we reach the integral organism Orgint, the most advanced features on our humanity could have shown as solid enough to coexist with this higher range species that has indeed propitiated along.
                In the end it seems accurate to elaborate an answer to the question What keep us Human?

Philosophical Zero
                Let’s cut to the chase: Philosophical Zero means to reduce speculations as possible, that’s the function of this procedure, which must be implemented over under developing human communities and so to the most influencing developing power clusters.
                So, what these speculations would be? Along our history there’s been several working models to question reality events and this has serve to explore the possibilities and to develop scientific and philosophical knowledge –technical and intellectual respectively− which build the whole civilization’s advancement. We’ve came to the point where we need to identify the certitudes that contains the main sense to make us what we are and our potential in the coming age. Philosophy is the discipline where science emerge from, so it seems that it has lost validity because its system allows a great thinking range that goes from the pure abstraction to the most rigorous synthesis, so it is some kind of suspended ellipse because in this model the intention is to engine ways from chaos to understand the active functions and create possibilities up to have the most precious results. However as it was explained before, technique has sustained in advance the procedures that will conform the world, so these disciplines must build a consistent operative body with an auto stabilizing quality to correct the holes that affect the processing sequential order in terms of resilience, society and economy. Hitherto science is the way to make thinking tangible, from ambiguity on emotions and imagination, to ideas and reason, the human development is been produced and over this system a technological range has always been active. Though if we think on pre-industrial ages, clothing, mechanisms, natural elements applications or ideas formulation procedures are modes of applying technique as a developing factor, just as monist philosophers may thought once about the main structure of matter and spirit. With the merge of these aspects, our species can trust on the factual certitudes in the present technological age, so the waste and the holes become reconfigured, the dysfunctional factors neutralized and back on our development.
                There are lots of circumstances to speculate about, however there could be identified three principal orders: ontological, that joints the nature of being; systemic, this one questions the viability of procedures; and systematic, the one that induces a resulting or planed behavior.
                The Philosophical Zero is a pretty sensible procedure, since its function approaching to categorical parameters of the human experience, what most people understand as “the truth”, but rather as a tautology where certain decisive sentences would be reasoned as unquestionable issues, like: “There’s an effective economic system functional to everyone”; or “God’s concept is necessary for some cultures”; or “Power is a cosmos faculty, so humanity projects a range on it”, or “Poverty phenomenon is solved”, or “None of these sentences require to be read between the lines”. On the Integral Human Paradigm these wouldn’t be fake sentences but with solid meaning and wouldn’t be absolutes either in the sense that perception differences may create magnified conflicts. With this procedure we would understand that the common sociocultural features correspond one to each other, thus is possible that different cosmogonies, no matter how technologically advanced they are, their thinking structures could be regarded. Is not about a retro-cartesianism like option, that would be an incomplete way of interculturalization, which result could be even more restrictive. The porpoise is get into the complexity to reconfigure the holes that we’ve left dysfunctional and doing it with a method to hinder conflict and produce systemic interaction.
                Again it should be an interfactorial operation because most of the “truth” expectations −that would be what configures a determined people’s cosmogony− require different aspects going through a calibration process and at the time such a process should began to interact with other’s that may have shared contingencies. So, to perceive the complexity range, this method would need that numerous projects of this kind, but of different nature, would be simultaneously implemented in order to build platforms to fix distinct levels of interaction. It is like imaging a 3D puzzle –simple−.
                I know that for some, this possibility could seem inconceivable, because if along history we haven’t achieve the coordination of more simpler circumstances, how could we intend to concatenate the great scale systems. The answer is that hollows exist because we avoid precisely putting our attention into that what needs this endeavor. Just as any artificial operative system which needs some periodical reset and update, the difference is that human disposition retracts by instinct –a primitive reflex− at that what’s interpreted as a challenge to its particular existence.